VR Veterans Club Secretary Secretary Reports

Veterans Club Meeting Minutes September 11, 2022

Following breakfast, the Veteran’s Club meeting was called to order at 10:00 AM by President Goody Morrison. There were 36 members in attendance. Secretary Cal Hunter reported that the minutes of the previous meeting were posted on the club’s website, and called for a motion to accept the minutes. A motion was made, seconded, and passed by the membership. The financial report was given by Goody in the absence of David Weissman, and indicated that the balance in the club’s treasury was in excess of $7,000. The Donation Chairman, Jules Harper reported that Earl Stewart is again donating his boat for tours and should provide approximately $1,500 in donations. Goody announced that the October 1 would be free to members and would include dessert and open seating. The Veteran’s day ceremony would take place at the flagpole and a request was made for volunteer speakers and presenters. The Kings Academy concert was cancelled and we would be waiting for further information about whether the program can be resumed. Mike Heiserman reported on the Car Show to be held on March 19, 2023 and requested volunteers to help set us posters, order trophies and help manage the flow of cars and people at the event. Volunteers are also needed provide window cards for participating cars, help out with the registration desk and posting flyers. There were more than 120 cars displayed at the last show and over $5,000 was donated to the Wounded Veteran’s Relief Fund. A video presentation of the 9/11 attack was shown and some members in the audience spoke about their experiences on that day. This was followed by a presentation by Mike Kapel who presented an essay about his Air Force service during the Vietnam War. He was responsible for providing support aircraft such as large cargo planes to be used in the combat areas. It was an emotional reading of living on the brink of actual combat and providing tools of war to those who might perish in the process. Jules Harper congratulated Mike Kapel on his deep insights and further detailed the constant risks and danger in combat. Following the presentation, Steve Osterman spoke about the Honor Flight to Washington, D.C. and recommended it to all those eligible. Dennis Flier next presented details of his boot camp experience in the Marine Corps. He enlisted in December of 1963 and endured boot camp for 11 weeks. It was a harrowing experience with constant supervision and no free time. He detailed the determination of his class to succeed at all costs and through all adversities. Goody announced that there would be a new flyer for the Oct.1st event. At the next monthly meeting Tom Nowak will give presentation on the use of drones in warfare. The meeting was adjourned at 11.00 AM. Minutes submitted by Secretary Cal Hunter

Veteran's Club Board Meeting August 30, 2022

Veteran’s Club Board Meeting Minutes August 30, 2022 The meeting opened at 4:00 PM with President Goody Morrison presiding. The following board members were in attendance: Goody Morrison, Tom Nowak, David Cohen, Dennis Flier, Tom Wood, Tom Wood, Howard Rock, and Cal Hunter. In addition, Mike Heiserman and Fred Paul were present. The Secretary indicated the minutes of the June membership meeting were posted on the Club’s website. Dennis Flier made a motion seconded by David Cohen to accept the minutes which was approved by the members. In the absence of Treasurer, Goody reported that there was a sizeable donation received and there was over $7,000.00 in the club’s account. A discussion followed regarding the Oct. 1st dance and it was agreed that if ice cream were to served it would be the frozen bars. Howard Rock made a motion to accept the Board’ recommendation for the dessert aspects of the event, this was seconded by David Cohen and passed by the members present. Next on the agenda was the Nov.11 Veteran’s Day observance at the flagpole. Goody indicated that the singer who performed previously and the musician might be available. The Nov. 14 Kings Academy presentation was discussed and the members felt that it should be held in the social hall. Fred Paul suggested that the venue should be theater style rather than tables, as people tend to be noisier and less attentive at the tables and might interfere with the presentation. There would be a $25.00 per person charge and pastries for dessert would be provided. The 50/50 raffle would be conducted as well. Mike Heiserman indicated that the Delray Buick dealer was anxious for the next car show which will be held on March 19, 2023. Mike was asking for volunteers to help with the running of the car show. Goody announced that he was approached by the Jewish Heritage Club to possibly switch the Sunday, Dec.11th meeting date to the following week Dec. 18th. He agreed to do so. -2- Goody again raised the issue of the low participation of veteran members in club functions and activities. Suggestions were made to try increase membership with new Valencia Reserve residents and try to encourage enrollment of current veteran residents who are not members. This will continue to be a topic of further discussion and planning. Goody announced that Mike Silverman would make a presentation dealing with the B-29 bomber during WWII at the next breakfast meeting, and Tom Nowak will make a presentation at the October meeting The meeting was adjourned at 5:15 PM. Minutes submitted by Veteran’s Club Secretary, Cal Hunter

Veteran's Club meeting, June12, 2022

Veteran’s Club Meeting, June 12, 2022 Following breakfast, the Veteran’s Club meeting was called to order at 10:00 AM by Vice President Howard Berger in the absence of President Goody Morrison. There were 24 members in attendance. Secretary Cal Hunter reported that the minutes of the previous meeting were posted on the club’s website, and called for a motion to accept the minutes. A motion was made, seconded, and passed by the membership. The financial report was given by Treasurer David Weissman and the balance in the club’s treasury was in excess of $7,500. The Donation Chairman, Jules Harper announced that Mel Kantor contracted for the use of Earl Stewart’s boat for 8 people at $1,000.00 donation per person. In addition, Jules noted that he arranged for a number of golfing trips, the proceeds of which would be donated to the Veteran’s club The Vice President announced that there would be a ceremony at the flagpole in honor of Veteran’s Day, November, 11th. Mike Silverman announced that a memorial plaque to honor deceased veterans of Valencia Reserve would be presented on that day. The meeting was then followed by a presentation by Vice president Howard Berger, detailing his wartime experiences in Vietnam. Howard enlisted in the U.S. Marines in 1965. He was sent to Vietnam and served as the company mail clerk for most of his tour of duty there. He was also assigned to occasional patrol duty. He followed his discussion with a video tour of wartime Vietnam, and Okinawa where he was able to spend leave time. It was a very revealing presentation of the dangerous time in American history. At the conclusion of Howard’s presentation, the 50-50 raffle was held. The meeting was adjourned at 11:00 AM. Respectfully submitted, Cal Hunter, Secretary

Veteran’s Club Meeting Minutes May 12, 2022

The meeting was opened at 4:00 PM with the Pledge of Allegiance, and in the absence of President Goody Morrison, the meeting was conducted by Treasurer David Weissman. The secretary, Cal Hunter called for the acceptance of the minutes of the previous meeting. A motion was made by Tom Nowak and seconded by Steve Osterman to accept the minutes which was unanimously passed by the membership. The treasurer’s report was submitted by David Weissman who indicated a balance of 7,327.45. The Car show took in 7,052.45 less 1,681.13 in expenses yielding a profit of 5,371.32 and 5,200 was donated to the Wounded Veteran’s Relief Fund. Two new members were introduced at the meeting and they were Barnett Berkowitz, and Gene DeSantis who both served in the U.S. Army. Mike Heiserman detailed his experiences attending Fleet Week and indicated that there was a sparsity of ships probably due to the conflict in Ukraine. It was requested by David Weissman that members be present at the Memorial Day Ceremony at the flagpole at 9:00 on May 30th wearing club shirts and hats. The Kings Academy Choir will be performing on Monday, November 14. The last meeting of the year will be a breakfast meeting on June 12th. Mike Silverman made a suggestion that Valencia Reserve erect a plaque to recognize all the veterans in the community and memorialize those who have deceased. This has been presented to the HOA board that initially rejected the idea, but will be further pursued by the membership. Mike Heiserman further announced that future Honor Flight participants will be escorted by the Capitol Police with flashing red lights. The speaker of the afternoon was Mike Silverman who gave a very interesting and compelling presentation of the events leading up to World War ll. He detailed the events that brought the U.S. into the war, and the unpreparedness and failure in planning and intelligence that resulted in the near failure of the U.S. forces. The meeting adjourned at 5:15. Respectfully submitted, Cal Hunter, Secretary

Veteran’s Club Board Meeting Minutes Thursday 7 April 2022

The meeting commenced at 1600 with 11 Officers and Board Members in attendance, as well as Car Show Chairman Mike Heiserman. President Goody Morrison and the officers and board members congratulated Mike Heiserman on the great success of the Car Show and thanked him for his tireless efforts to make the show a great success. Goody also strongly encouraged all board members to actively participate in future car show events. Mike Heiserman reported that the Buick dealership has indicated that they will provide food for next year's car show at their expense. Goody noted that we currently have 198 veterans registered as Veteran's Club members. The Treasurer's Report was presented. Treasurer Dave Weissman briefed on a new electronic records software program that he has set up to track incoming club funds. He reported that we currently have $7,327.45 in our treasury as of today. The car show yielded $7,052.45 in revenue, with $1,681.13 in car show expenses, resulting in a total of $5,371.32 of car show profits. $5,200 will be given to the Wounded Veterans Relief Fund. The Secretary's Report was deferred until the next meeting since Secretary Cal Hunter could not be present at today's meeting due to a family health emergency. Goody briefed on our recent Blood Drive. It resulted in 24 blood donations and platelet donations, a great improvement over the last drive held during the peak of the COVID epidemic. Preparations for the April 23 membership dance were discussed. 70 people have signed up for the event to date. Goody requested that Officers and Board Members meet in the clubhouse at 1300 on the day of the event to set up the room. Preparations for the Saturday June 4 BBQ were discussed. As in the past it will be open to the VR community. Lucilles will be the food caterer and board members will serve the food, and desert will be provided through Flakowitz. Goody recommended that the cost be increased to $33 this year from $22 last year. Three bottles of wine will be procured for the 50/50. This year's Fleet Week will be held on May 12. 23 individuals have signed up. Participants will meet in the clubhouse at 1100. Car pools will depart at 1130. 1300 is our designated time for the shipboard visits. Two destroyers and one Coast Guard cutter are scheduled to participate. A discussion was held on ways of soliciting donations from the VR community for the Wounded Veterans Relief Fund. The best opportunities to do this might be at the annual November flag ceremony or at the Memorial Day event at the pool. The need to better publicize the Veterans Club across the VR community was discussed, with a view towards soliciting new members from veterans new to the community. It was noted that Castle Management will not publicize community club events held off site. Accordingly, they would not publicize our Car Show event. Howard Rock noted that an Honor Flight was arriving this Saturday evening and encouraged participation in the airport returning welcoming. Goody noted that veteran Steve Pearlman’s funeral services will be held at the South Florida Veterans Cemetery next Tuesday at 1300. Goody will send out an E-Mail to members to solicit their attendance. Those attending are requested to wear their Veterans Club uniforms. It was noted that the next Veterans Club general meeting will be held next Thursday in the Social Hall. Howard Rock will sell club hats and shirts t the meeting. The meeting concluded at 1650. Submitted by Tom Nowak substituting for Secretary Cal Hunter

Minutes Veteran’s Club Meeting, April 14, 2022

President Goody Morrison called the meeting to order at 4:00 P.M. with the reciting of the Pledge of Allegiance. There were 28 members in attendance. A new member Don Birnbaum, who served in the U.S. Army in 1957, was introduced to the club. Secretary Cal Hunter reported that the minutes of the last meeting had been posted on the club’s website and a motion was made, seconded, and accepted by the membership. The Treasurer’s report followed with David Weissman indicating that the success of the Veteran’s Club Car Show resulted in a donation of $5,000 to the Wounded Veteran’s Relief Fund. To date the club has donated in excess of $150,000. The balance in the club’s account is now $7,320. Steve Osterman reported on the successful blood drive, and asked for volunteers for the upcoming November blood drive. Mike Heiserman reported on the very successful Car Show. Me l Kantor won 2nd prize for his 1965 Rolls Royce. Tom Nowak took over 700 photos of the event and detailed the extensive display of antique and special vehicles. Jules Harper detailed the outstanding work that Mike Heiserman did to prepare for and arrange and coordinate the extensive details to make the Car Show such an outstanding success. The following members were also cited for their great and tireless efforts in helping Mike facilitate the operation of the show: Bill Poires, Mel Sherin, Arthur Novsum, Mike Epstein, and David Cohen. New business was next on the agenda with Goody Morrison announcing that new hats were available and being ordered in a desert style. Goody also announced that the decor for the upcoming vets club dance would reflect the blue and yellow colors in honor of Ukraine. Goody, and apropo of his previous discussion of military armaments and explosives, indicated that the Ukraine has received new claymore type mines which can be remotely controlled. Tom Wood gave a presentation detailing his recent Honor Flight trip to Washington, D.C. He said it was a poignant and emotional experience honoring veterans of WWII, the Korean War and the Vietnam War. The oldest veteran was 97 years old and the youngest was 62. There were celebrations to and from the airports which included fire personnel, policemen, and friends and relatives. The meet was adjourned at 5:00 PM. Respectfully submitted, Cal Hunter, Veteran’s Club Secretary

Veteran’s Club Breakfast Meeting Minutes March 13, 2022

Following breakfast, President Goody Morrison called the meeting to order at 9:30 A.M. There were 38 members present including two new members. Following the Pledge of Allegience, a moment of silence was held for the people of Ukraine. The Treasurer’s report was given by David Weissman who indicated that the Jan 1, 2022 balance was $5,062.73 and the March 13,2022 balance was $7,671.20. The increase was due mostly to the Car Show registrations and gifts net after Car Show expenses for trophies, signage and advertising. The Secretary’s report indicated the the minutes of the February 10, 2022 meeting were posted on the club’s website. A motion was made, seconded and passed to accept the minutes. Mike Heiserman reported on the progress of the Car Show and indicated that he expected a very large turnout. To date there were 63 registrations and possibly more to come. He also called for volunteers to assist with the parking and directing of participants. The formal meeting was followed by my presentation detailing my Air Force experiences during the Korean War period. A question and answer period followed the discussion. Minutes submitted by Veteran’s Club Secretary, Cal Hunter.

Veteran’s Club Meeting Minutes from February 10, 2022

President Goody Morrison called the meeting to order at 4:00 P.M. There were 24 members present. The “Pledge of Allegiance” was recited and was followed by the Secretary’s report. The Secretary indicated that the minutes of the last board meeting were posted on the club’s website. A motion to accept the minutes was made, seconded and approved by the membership. The Treasurer’s report was given by David Weissman who indicated that there was a club balance of $7416.82. He submitted the complete report to be posted on the club’s website. Mike Heiserman reported on the progress of the upcoming Veteran’s Club Car Show. To date thirty two cars were registered and there was an additional $500 in registration fees received. Mike made a request for an additional number of volunteers to help with the parking. He indicated that Steve Rosenthal would handle the car registrations and that Tom Nowak would be the photographer. Goody announced that the February 27th dance would be cancelled and would be scheduled for April 2nd. The March 3rd breakfast meeting would take place in the social hall and if breakfast were available then the start time would be 9:00 A.M., otherwise it would Begin at 10:00 A.M. The Veteran’s Club barbecue will be postponed to June 5th and would be catered by Lucille’s. Goody Morrison next presented a talk about his military experiences overseas dealing with his training in handling wartime explosives and their potential use during a crisis situation during the Cold War with Russia. A question and answer period followed and the meeting was adjourned at 5:00 P.M. Minutes submitted by Veteran’s Club Secretary, Cal Hunter.

Minutes of the Veteran’s Club Board Meeting, Tuesday, February 1, 2022

The meeting of the Valencia Reserve Veteran’s Club Board of Directors opened today at 4:00 P.M. with president Goody Morrison presiding. The following members were in attendance: Goody Morrison, Tom Wood, David Weissman, David Cohen, Cal Hunter, and Jules Harper, as an observer. Goody Morrison indicated that the discussion today would center on the status of future meetings and near future events. The Secretary reported that the minutes of the previous board meeting were posted on the website. A motion to accept the minutes was made by David Cohen, seconded by David Weissman and approved by the board. David Weissman followed with the treasurer’s report and presented a comprehensive analysis of the club’s finances. The resultant club balance at present is $7,416.82. Following a discussion, it was decided by unanimous vote to cancel the Feb 13th meeting and to postpone the Feb.27th social event and postpone any members gathering until the end of the month. A further discussion ensued regarding the April 2nd barbecue. Fred Paul had indicated to Goody Morrison that he recommended going with Lucille’s as opposed to the other vendors previously mentioned. There would be no deposit required and the possibility of outside dining was discussed in case the social hall would not be available for inside dining. A motion was made by Tom Wood, seconded by David Cohen and unanimously passed to accept Lucille’s as the barbecue vendor. David Weissman indicated that Mike Heiserman had presented him with two checks for the car show. It was decided that the March 13th meeting should be should be held in abeyance pending further covid considerations. The decision to hold that meeting and whether breakfast can be served can be made at the next BOD’s meeting on Feb.24th. A discussion followed regarding the purchase of club shirts and hats. A motion was made by Tom Wood and seconded by David Cohen to allot $586.00 for their purchase. The motion was unanimously passed. The meeting was adjourned at 5:00 PM. The minutes are submitted by Veterans Club Secretary, Cal Hunter

Minutes of the Veteran's Club Board Meeting, January 6, 2022

Minutes of the Veteran’s Club Board MeetingThursday, January 6, 2022 The meeting of the Valencia Reserve Veteran’s Club Board of Directors Meeting was called to order at 4: 00 P.M. with President Goody Morrison presiding. The following members were in attendance: Goody Morrison, David Weissman, Dennis Flier, Brian Glenn, David Cohen, Howard Rock, Tom Nowak Tom Wood, Fred Paul, Mike Heiserman, and Cal Hunter. The agenda for the meeting was centered on upcoming meeting dates and events. The Secretary announced that the minutes of the previous meeting had been posted on the club’s website and a motion was made, seconded and voted upon to accept the minutes. David Weissman presented the treasurer’s report and indicated that there was insufficient data to be announced due to the fact that the transition had not yet occurred from the previous administration. A transfer of financial documents has yet to be coordinated with Wells Fargo Bank. A discussion followed with Howard Beck suggesting that some of the club activities be curtailed due to the covid outbreak. Dennis Flier made a motion to cancel the January 13th meeting which was seconded by David Weissman. The motion to cancel was passed. After a discussion, it was decided that at the next BOD meeting on February 1, 2022, a decision could be made about the feasibility of having the Feb. 26th Membership Dance and Social, and whether or not to cancel the Feb.10th meeting. The proposed dance would be open to members only, and food would be provided by outside venders. Fred Paul as Hospitality Chairman would be coordinating the food issue, Mike Heiserman, the Car Show Chairman discussed details about the upcoming car show and his discussions with the Buick dealer at whose venue the show would occur. He showed placards and fliers that he had created for the show, and also announced that he had procured a donation of $2,000 from the dealer for the Wounded Veterans Relief Fund. He also indicated that the Executive Director of the Wounded Veterans Relief Fund would be present at the show. The next discussion dealt with the April 2nd barbecue. Fred Paul has been exploring various food venders and has compared food tastes and quality. These include Lucille’s, Mission Barbecue, and Mississippi Sweets. Fred will present his final recommendations for selection of a vendor at a later date. The last discussion concerned the entertainment choice for the barbecue event. The previously used group, “Ray and the Rayettes” was strongly considered and seemed to be quite favorable to the board. At the close of the meeting Goody Morrison asked the board to provide programs for future meeting, and he held a random drawing for members to present or provide individuals to give presentations. The meeting was adjourned at 4:45 PM. Minutes are submitted by Veterans Club Secretary, Cal Hunter