VR Veterans Club Secretary Secretary Reports

Veteran’s Club Board Meeting Minutes October 27, 2022

The meeting was called to order at 4:00 PM. The following were in attendance: Mike Shiffman, Tom Wood, Dennis Flier, David Cohen, Howard Rock, Cal Hunter, and President Goody Morrison. The secretary indicated that the minutes of the previous board meeting had been posted to the club’s website. Mike Shiffman made a motion to accept the minutes and Dennis Flier seconded the motion Mike Shiffman and Dennis Flier reported on the memorial plaque which is in the process of being fabricated. This will honor the deceased veterans of Valencia Reserve, and will be prominently displayed during the Veteran’s Day celebration. It will be approximately 15x21 inches with 48 places for names. The cost will be approximately $900 to $1,000 and will ultimately reside in a prominent space in the Valencia Reserve showcase. A motion was made by Tom Wood and seconded by David Cohen to go ahead with the project. The Kings Academy Veteran’s Day Program is scheduled for November 17th and a request was made for volunteers to help set up the social hall and check people into the event. Nominations for elections of new board members will be made in November for the election at the December 11th meeting. Goody indicated that a presentation of $7,000 donation to the Wounded Veteran’s Relief Fund would be made at their Ball and would result in a matching donation. At present there is a balance of $4,000 less $500-$600 donation to the Kings Academy. A proposal was made by Goody to have a veteran’s Club dance in February with a DJ and a charge of $15 per person. Howard Rock made a motion to limit to member only and no charge, and this was seconded by Tom Wood. The motion passed. The meeting was adjourned at 4:40 PM. Submitted by Secretary Cal Hunter