VR Veterans Club Secretary Secretary Reports

Veteran's Club Meeting Minutes from November 7, 2013

Meeting opened at 1600 with 45 members in attendance.  Total club membership is now 128 members.
Formal meeting commenced at 1600 with the Pledge of Allegiance to our flag.
Jules Harper introduced our guest speaker:
The Tuskegee Airmen were dedicated, determined young men who enlisted to become America's first black military airmen. During World War II, American military was racially segregated, as was much of the federal government. The Tuskegee Airmen were subjected to racial discrimination, both within and outside the army. They came from every section of the country. Each one possessed a strong personal desire to serve the United States of America at the best of his ability.
Almost 1,000 Black airmen were trained at Tuskegee, Alabama and sent overseas to fly escort planes for our bombers that were flying raids over Germany. For those of you who may have seen the movie “Red Tails”, you know that they did a fantastic job of protecting our bombing efforts during the war.
We are fortunate to have one of these Tuskegee Airmen here with us today. Please give a round of applause for Lt. Colonel, Leo Gray.
Leo Gray spoke to us for 45 minutes without the use of any notes.  Leo is 89 years old and was "sharp as a tack".  He answered questions from the audience which included about 55 Veterans and their wives and another 40 Valencia Reserve "neighbors" that paid $5.00 per person to attend.  All of that money will be sent to the Wounded Warriors of South Florida. 
Everyone in attendance sat mesmerized while Leo described the conditions he lived though during the war as a black Tuskegee Airman.  It was truly a historic occasion as there are only 33 members of the  "Red Tails'  still alive!  He is planning to be at the Lost Squadron Presentation in Fort Lauderdale on December 5th.
If you would like to see Leo, sign up for our Bus Trip on Dec 5th, there is still plenty of room and we need 20 more members to join us.  We would like to take 50 Veterans down to Fort Lauderdale.   
Meeting was cut short due to length of Leo's talk and Italian American Club needed the Social Hall.  
Scheduled dates for Veteran's Club Meeting for the balance of 2013 (meetings will be held in the Social Hall)
December 5:  1015 am-4:15 pm Bus Trip to Fort Lauderdale Naval Air Museum and Lost Squadron Presentation.
December 12:  4-6 pm:  Combined meeting with "Pap", end of year meeting.
Scheduled dates for Veteran's Club Meeting for 2014 (meetings will be held in the Social Hall). Mark your Calendars.
Jan 9, 4-6 pm, Social Hall
Feb 13, 4-6 pm, Social Hall
March 13, 4-6 pm, Social Hall
April 10, 4-6 pm, Social Hall
May 8, 4-6 pm, Social Hall
June 12, 4-6 pm, Social Hall
Sept 11, 4-6 pm, Social Hall
Oct 9, 4-6 pm, Social Hall, 
Nov 11, Veteran's Party, 6:30-10:30 pm
Nov 13, 4-6 pm, Social Hall
Dec 12, 4-6 pm, Social Hall
July and August we will skip!