VR Veterans Club Secretary Secretary Reports

Veterans Club Meeting Minutes September 11, 2022

Following breakfast, the Veteran’s Club meeting was called to order at 10:00 AM by President Goody Morrison. There were 36 members in attendance. Secretary Cal Hunter reported that the minutes of the previous meeting were posted on the club’s website, and called for a motion to accept the minutes. A motion was made, seconded, and passed by the membership. The financial report was given by Goody in the absence of David Weissman, and indicated that the balance in the club’s treasury was in excess of $7,000. The Donation Chairman, Jules Harper reported that Earl Stewart is again donating his boat for tours and should provide approximately $1,500 in donations. Goody announced that the October 1 would be free to members and would include dessert and open seating. The Veteran’s day ceremony would take place at the flagpole and a request was made for volunteer speakers and presenters. The Kings Academy concert was cancelled and we would be waiting for further information about whether the program can be resumed. Mike Heiserman reported on the Car Show to be held on March 19, 2023 and requested volunteers to help set us posters, order trophies and help manage the flow of cars and people at the event. Volunteers are also needed provide window cards for participating cars, help out with the registration desk and posting flyers. There were more than 120 cars displayed at the last show and over $5,000 was donated to the Wounded Veteran’s Relief Fund. A video presentation of the 9/11 attack was shown and some members in the audience spoke about their experiences on that day. This was followed by a presentation by Mike Kapel who presented an essay about his Air Force service during the Vietnam War. He was responsible for providing support aircraft such as large cargo planes to be used in the combat areas. It was an emotional reading of living on the brink of actual combat and providing tools of war to those who might perish in the process. Jules Harper congratulated Mike Kapel on his deep insights and further detailed the constant risks and danger in combat. Following the presentation, Steve Osterman spoke about the Honor Flight to Washington, D.C. and recommended it to all those eligible. Dennis Flier next presented details of his boot camp experience in the Marine Corps. He enlisted in December of 1963 and endured boot camp for 11 weeks. It was a harrowing experience with constant supervision and no free time. He detailed the determination of his class to succeed at all costs and through all adversities. Goody announced that there would be a new flyer for the Oct.1st event. At the next monthly meeting Tom Nowak will give presentation on the use of drones in warfare. The meeting was adjourned at 11.00 AM. Minutes submitted by Secretary Cal Hunter