VR Veterans Club Secretary Secretary Reports

Veteran’s Club Meeting Minutes from February 10, 2022

President Goody Morrison called the meeting to order at 4:00 P.M. There were 24 members present. The “Pledge of Allegiance” was recited and was followed by the Secretary’s report. The Secretary indicated that the minutes of the last board meeting were posted on the club’s website. A motion to accept the minutes was made, seconded and approved by the membership. The Treasurer’s report was given by David Weissman who indicated that there was a club balance of $7416.82. He submitted the complete report to be posted on the club’s website. Mike Heiserman reported on the progress of the upcoming Veteran’s Club Car Show. To date thirty two cars were registered and there was an additional $500 in registration fees received. Mike made a request for an additional number of volunteers to help with the parking. He indicated that Steve Rosenthal would handle the car registrations and that Tom Nowak would be the photographer. Goody announced that the February 27th dance would be cancelled and would be scheduled for April 2nd. The March 3rd breakfast meeting would take place in the social hall and if breakfast were available then the start time would be 9:00 A.M., otherwise it would Begin at 10:00 A.M. The Veteran’s Club barbecue will be postponed to June 5th and would be catered by Lucille’s. Goody Morrison next presented a talk about his military experiences overseas dealing with his training in handling wartime explosives and their potential use during a crisis situation during the Cold War with Russia. A question and answer period followed and the meeting was adjourned at 5:00 P.M. Minutes submitted by Veteran’s Club Secretary, Cal Hunter.