VR Veterans Club Secretary Secretary Reports

Veteran's Club Board Meeting August 30, 2022

Veteran’s Club Board Meeting Minutes August 30, 2022 The meeting opened at 4:00 PM with President Goody Morrison presiding. The following board members were in attendance: Goody Morrison, Tom Nowak, David Cohen, Dennis Flier, Tom Wood, Tom Wood, Howard Rock, and Cal Hunter. In addition, Mike Heiserman and Fred Paul were present. The Secretary indicated the minutes of the June membership meeting were posted on the Club’s website. Dennis Flier made a motion seconded by David Cohen to accept the minutes which was approved by the members. In the absence of Treasurer, Goody reported that there was a sizeable donation received and there was over $7,000.00 in the club’s account. A discussion followed regarding the Oct. 1st dance and it was agreed that if ice cream were to served it would be the frozen bars. Howard Rock made a motion to accept the Board’ recommendation for the dessert aspects of the event, this was seconded by David Cohen and passed by the members present. Next on the agenda was the Nov.11 Veteran’s Day observance at the flagpole. Goody indicated that the singer who performed previously and the musician might be available. The Nov. 14 Kings Academy presentation was discussed and the members felt that it should be held in the social hall. Fred Paul suggested that the venue should be theater style rather than tables, as people tend to be noisier and less attentive at the tables and might interfere with the presentation. There would be a $25.00 per person charge and pastries for dessert would be provided. The 50/50 raffle would be conducted as well. Mike Heiserman indicated that the Delray Buick dealer was anxious for the next car show which will be held on March 19, 2023. Mike was asking for volunteers to help with the running of the car show. Goody announced that he was approached by the Jewish Heritage Club to possibly switch the Sunday, Dec.11th meeting date to the following week Dec. 18th. He agreed to do so. -2- Goody again raised the issue of the low participation of veteran members in club functions and activities. Suggestions were made to try increase membership with new Valencia Reserve residents and try to encourage enrollment of current veteran residents who are not members. This will continue to be a topic of further discussion and planning. Goody announced that Mike Silverman would make a presentation dealing with the B-29 bomber during WWII at the next breakfast meeting, and Tom Nowak will make a presentation at the October meeting The meeting was adjourned at 5:15 PM. Minutes submitted by Veteran’s Club Secretary, Cal Hunter