VR Veterans Club Secretary Secretary Reports

Minutes of the Veteran's Club Board Meeting, January 6, 2022

Minutes of the Veteran’s Club Board MeetingThursday, January 6, 2022 The meeting of the Valencia Reserve Veteran’s Club Board of Directors Meeting was called to order at 4: 00 P.M. with President Goody Morrison presiding. The following members were in attendance: Goody Morrison, David Weissman, Dennis Flier, Brian Glenn, David Cohen, Howard Rock, Tom Nowak Tom Wood, Fred Paul, Mike Heiserman, and Cal Hunter. The agenda for the meeting was centered on upcoming meeting dates and events. The Secretary announced that the minutes of the previous meeting had been posted on the club’s website and a motion was made, seconded and voted upon to accept the minutes. David Weissman presented the treasurer’s report and indicated that there was insufficient data to be announced due to the fact that the transition had not yet occurred from the previous administration. A transfer of financial documents has yet to be coordinated with Wells Fargo Bank. A discussion followed with Howard Beck suggesting that some of the club activities be curtailed due to the covid outbreak. Dennis Flier made a motion to cancel the January 13th meeting which was seconded by David Weissman. The motion to cancel was passed. After a discussion, it was decided that at the next BOD meeting on February 1, 2022, a decision could be made about the feasibility of having the Feb. 26th Membership Dance and Social, and whether or not to cancel the Feb.10th meeting. The proposed dance would be open to members only, and food would be provided by outside venders. Fred Paul as Hospitality Chairman would be coordinating the food issue, Mike Heiserman, the Car Show Chairman discussed details about the upcoming car show and his discussions with the Buick dealer at whose venue the show would occur. He showed placards and fliers that he had created for the show, and also announced that he had procured a donation of $2,000 from the dealer for the Wounded Veterans Relief Fund. He also indicated that the Executive Director of the Wounded Veterans Relief Fund would be present at the show. The next discussion dealt with the April 2nd barbecue. Fred Paul has been exploring various food venders and has compared food tastes and quality. These include Lucille’s, Mission Barbecue, and Mississippi Sweets. Fred will present his final recommendations for selection of a vendor at a later date. The last discussion concerned the entertainment choice for the barbecue event. The previously used group, “Ray and the Rayettes” was strongly considered and seemed to be quite favorable to the board. At the close of the meeting Goody Morrison asked the board to provide programs for future meeting, and he held a random drawing for members to present or provide individuals to give presentations. The meeting was adjourned at 4:45 PM. Minutes are submitted by Veterans Club Secretary, Cal Hunter